Tuesday, January 19, 2010

no momentum

tadaaaa...yesterday i couldnt be a scribble since it was a busy day for me..lol..
summary of my day yesterday:
morning : preparing a package bit for tender , meeting on new project and reply email with client..
lunch : goin out early on 12.30 as regards having a design review meeting on 2.30..fuhh..what a boring meeting..the meeting end up on 5.30pm..tired with the overacting people ..bluekk...assuming 'bagus' and what a jerk!..eeiiiyak!..request sumting like people dunt know anything..eiiii...dush2!.."hello..if you know to design the plant why you called consultant to do it?"..i just mumbling alone while my face keep smiling..arghh..hyprokrit wanna be!..ceit!

going home and my hubby really hungry..oh dear..need to find food..so, nasi kukus our menu for dinner..yey!..thnx hubby for helping me change our cadar ..big hug for you!

tommorw -21/01/10 was my hubby's birthday!..yuhuuuu... now i thinking how to celebrate his birthday while our ringgit is going down..no money lah honey to buy ur laptop now..i need to hold it until receive salary for this month and perhaps a bonus for 1 month will credit into my account..just a hope~~:(

my FIL/MIL will come this weekend..yeeehuu..wanna to see new mercedes car belong to FIL..still wondering what's the menu for this friday..hoping i manage to find new recipes ..fuhhh..

that's all for now..need to review my design on fire fighting facilities and put my signature..chill~~


  1. uittsss..ma n ayah nak g umah ke hujung minggu nie...hehehe leh arr tgk kete baru dia..lilan2 la ayah n ma tu yer nge kete baru...nak masak ape?huhuhu jgn lupe ikan singgan kegemaran ayah hahaha....and masak lemak2..kuang3x...

  2. nor...sakni abg seni tepon ayah ngn ma..diorg dop jd mari..sbb abg iwan (sepupu)nama yer eddy nok bertunang minggu dpn kat dungun..ayoh nok mari minggu dpn ah kerteh..alang2 turun ke dungun..itu ah..menu ayah mesti ikan singgang ngn masak lemak..heheh..


what you said: