Sunday, July 3, 2011

new life..

tadaaaa...akhirnya igatan password dan email acc da kembali pulih..har..har..berjaya gak cipta one entry tuk tatapan kamu suma...

long time no see haaaa.....sorry lah i forgot my access to this blogspot neh...nyanyuk ...

okeh..okeh..where shud start huh?..just forget the oldies( kisah yg x dipublish tuh) i story-mori my new life..

on 23rd may 2011 .... our princess has born!!!...terkejut?...hehhehe...yeah..i've been pregnant for 37 weeks and our beloved princess has arrived 3 weeks early from due date..ngeh..ngeh.. the hectic moment on her delivery...start with  stomach pain and chichat on skype my fella..

on 22nd may 2011 , 4.15pm...the blood dischaged has showed....go to clinic and doctor said 'baby awak da kat bawah..dan jln pon da bukak 1 cm...u better call ur hubby , packed your bag and go home'. wohaaa....terkejut laaaaaaa...i'm not ready yet!!! work on going and the terrible is...i've not done transfer all my workload to my colleque-che ah..sgt rase bersalah....huuu...

ok sambung lagi citer...

i call my hubby ' sygku, jom kita balik kl..ayg nk beranak dah'..and hubby said ' haaa?...cepatnyer bb nk tgk dunia?..ok sygku'

we packed our things, kemas dapur..campak2 bau kotor..gedebuk..gedebak..on 6.45pm we heading to KL...and arrived about 12pm!!!..lama betul perjalanan..:)..anyway..i x beranak dlm keta...huhu..

opss...rancangan tergendala..sambung pas princees is crying..waaa.waaa.waaaa